Hockey skates Bauer Vapor X3.5 Int Properties: The Bauer Vapor RH X3.5 skates are perfect for amateur and recreational sports players. – 3D polycarbonate outer material designed to be easier to bend 40 oz. Felt tongue with mesh insert for superior comfort and support. The skates are well contoured, thanks to which they adapt to […]
The Bauer X-LS Int Properties: A model designed for beginner skating enthusiasts. We have designed the Bauer Vapor XLS (learning to skate) skates with the needs of an athlete who is going to take their first steps on the ice in mind. They are great for learning to skate for children, but they will also […]
Hockey skates Bauer RH RS Sr Properties: The Bauer RS skates are a great choice for everyone, from the more experienced skater to someone who wants to play roller hockey for the first time. Bauer built the RS skates to provide the hockey novice with the best possible skating learning tools without compromising on comfort […]
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